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TypThe 26 Asanas (postures)[edit]

The following are the 26 postures of Bikram Yoga. These are taught in the Beginning Bikram Yoga Class. The sequence is taught by people who have been trained and certified by Bikram Choudhury.[26][27]

# Sanskrit English Benefits claimed
1 प्राणायाम


Standing Deep Breathing (lit. Breath Extension)
May help prevent respiratory problems
2 अर्धचन्द्रासन with पादहस्तासन

Ardhacandrāsana withPādahastāsana

Half Moon Pose with Hands To Feet Pose
Strengthens muscles in body's core along with improving flexibility of the spine
3 उत्कटासन


Awkward Pose
Helps tone and shape legs while it may relieve arthritis in the legs
4 गरुडासन


Eagle Pose
Opens up the 14 largest joints and helps fresh blood move through the reproductive system
5 दण्डायमन जानुशीर्षासन

Daṇḍāyamana Jānuśīrṣāsana

Standing Head To Knee Pose
Improves the sciatic nerves flexibility and may strengthen hamstrings plus other leg muscles
6 दण्डायमन धनुरासन

Daṇḍāyamana Dhanurāsana

Standing Bow Pose
Helps develop balance while potentially firming upper thighs and the abdominal wall
7 तुलादण्डासन


Balancing Stick Pose
Helps send blood to the heart, cleansing the arteries and veins
8 दण्डायमन विभक्तपाद पश्चिमोत्तानासन

Daṇḍāyamana VibhaktapādaPaścimottānāsana

Standing Separate Leg Stretching Pose
Helps stretch and strengthen sciatic nerves and tendons in the legs
9 त्रिकोणासन


Triangle Pose
May help alleviate lower back pain and crooked spines while improving muscles and internal organs
10 दण्डायमन विभक्तपाद जानुशीर्षासन

Daṇḍāyamana VibhaktapādaJānuśīrṣāsana

Standing Separate Leg Head To Knee Pose
May help regulate metabolism and immune system while trimming the lower body
11 ताडासन


Tree Pose
Helps improve posture, balance and flexibility while strengthening oblique muscles
12 पादाङ्गुष्ठासन


Toe Stand Pose
Helps strengthen knees, ankles, and feet while potentially reducing hemorrhoid problems
13 शवासन


Corpse Pose
Helps circulation and the blood flows throughout the body to create internal cleansing
14 पवनमुक्तासन


Wind Removing Pose
Compresses the digestive system and helps strengthen the arms, abdomen and thighs while improving hip flexibility
15 पादहस्तासन


Helps increase flexibility to stretch the spine and improves circulation of the legs by working the muscles
16 भुजङ्गासन


Cobra Pose
Helps strengthen the spine and may relieve pain from scoliosis, arthritis and menstrual disorders while potentially improving the digestive system
17 शलभासन


Locust Pose
Similar benefits as Cobra

Helps strengthen the upper spine and legs

18 पूर्णशलभासन


Full Locust Pose
May relieve pain from scoliosis and slipped discs while strengthening the middle spine and increasing elasticity of the rib cage
19 धनुरासन


Bow Pose
Helps increase circulation and strength of the spine while revitalizing the spinal nerves and opening up the rib cage to expand lungs
20 सुप्तवज्रासन


Fixed Firm Pose (lit. Reclining Thunderbolt Pose)
Helps improve strength and flexibility of the lower spine, knees, hips and ankle joints while increasing circulation that may relieve pain
21 अर्धकूर्मासन


Half Tortoise Pose
Helps increase blood flow to the brain and stretches the lower part of the lungs while relieving tension in the neck and shoulders
22 उष्ट्रासन


Camel Pose
Stimulates the nervous system and improves flexibility of the spine and neck while stretching the abdominal organs and throat
23 शसांगासना


Rabbit Pose
Increases elasticity of the spine and back muscles while potentially helping to alleviate colds or sinus problems and may relieve tension near the neck and shoulders
24 जानुशीर्षासन with पश्चिमोत्तानासन

Jānuśīrṣāsana withPaścimottānāsana

Head To Knee Pose with Back Stretching Pose
May improve digestion and circulation in the bowels while helping the immune system
25 अर्धमत्स्येन्द्रासन

Ardha Matsyendrāsana

Spine Twisting Pose (lit. Half Lord of the Fishes Pose)
Helps improve elasticity of the spine and increases circulation in the spinal nerves while relieving lower back pain
26 कपालभाति


Blowing In Firm Pose (lit. Skull Illuminating)
Strengthens the abdominal organs while increasing the elasticity of the lungs and helping improve digestion and circulatioe your paragraph here.